The Callejon de Huaylas (249 miles North of Lima) is a beautiful and extended valley stuck between two mountain ranges, the Cordillera Blanca and the Cordillera Negra. This area has peaceful cities like Recuay, Carhuaz, Yungay, and Caraz, being Huaraz the active capital city of Ancash. Throughout the entire department, you can see the most spectacular snow covered mountains, among them the Huascaran (6768 m.a.s.l.), the tallest peak in Peru. In addition, there are hot springs and spectacular lakes as Llanganuco. This is a perfect area for adventure sports like white water rafting, mountain climbing, mountain biking, and trekking.
It was between the years 1200 and 200 B.C. that the Chavin Culture lived in the region. They left as their legacy the impressive archeological complex of Chavin de Huantar, which in 1985 was placed by UNESCO on the World Cultural Heritage List.